Millions of Engineers in India are Qualified but Unemployed
According to AICTE, around 15 lakhs Engineers graduate every year. Of which around 5-6 lakhs engineers only get jobs in Campus placements i.e. 40% and rest 60% are unemployed. And unemployed youths go for other jobs in sectors like railway, banking and others and have to struggle hard even after having a technical degree in hand.
Reasons for unemployment of graduates in India
1._College Curriculum:- The curriculum is outdated and only focuses on education specifically theoretical and won’t focus on overall personality development of an individual.
2. Lack of Exposure:- Most Indian engineering colleges provide no or very bad internship opportunities. Most engineers have no idea what the industry actually is like & how it works.
3. Lack of skills:- Most engineering graduates don’t have industry standard skills and practical knowledge and lack soft skills.
4.   Lack of Discipline:- Improper timetable, no cleanliness, no hygiene, zero fitness, laziness, no yoga, no exercise and always making excuses are the present trend of engineering students.
5. Theory Vs Practical:- Most of the engineering colleges and their Boards never think of providing a quality time on PRACTICAL approach for students. Hands On experience & Real time applications is something not seen in most of the engineering colleges.
6. Attitude Issues:- Indian engineering students are lazy and always keep their work pending so always make silly excuses and lies too much hence develop a negative attitude and highlight themselves as incapable and screwed up.
7. Recession:- Time to time slowdown of markets due to various factors, weak government schemes and natural disasters also cause unemployment in the society.
8. Lack of soft skills:- Students won’t be able to convey their thoughts correctly, incapable of speaking as well as listening in English as some of them studied in government schools or lack proper guidance and hence aren’t aware of work culture and all.
10. Lack of well qualified mentors:- Faculties of various private Engineering colleges are not well qualified and inexperienced and lack hands-on experience and don’t have proper knowledge to teach students which results in skill less students.
How can we tackle this issue and train engineers to get employed?
To overcome from this problem and guarantees employment to our engineering students we have to take some measures such as:->
- Update Education curriculum.
- Focus more on practical’s rather than theoretical parts.
- Focus on developing the overall personality of an individual.
- Organizing training/internship programs in different companies by colleges to help them aware of work culture and access to. hands-on experience.
Provide them experienced and Industry ready faculties with hands-on experience and proper skills.
We at Career Kites are working hard to bridge the gap between college and companies with our 6 weeks training/learning program conducted by top industry experts. This training module focuses on skill building and developing the overall personality of an individual by providing knowledge of various industry required tools such as LinkedIn, MS-office, Mail merge, Resume building and so on.
So what are you waiting for?
Come enroll for Career Kites 6 weeks training/learning program and land your dream job in Top MNCs.
Written By:- Amber Keshari
Edited By:- Ashutosh Dhar Dwivedi, Zeya Ullah Saif